Monday, November 3, 2008


Let me introduce myself...
I am Carol McCowen.
I am a photographer in Snyder. I am married to Shawn, my kids are Blair age 12, Raven and Emily age 9.

I have been taking pictures for years now but charging people for the priviledge now for about three years.

I love taking pictures. It is a challenge to me to make each picture better than the last one and that is just the type of work I can get into. Someone got mad at me a couple of years ago because I wasn't INTO the scrapbooking thing. I told them that I wanted to display better pictures rather than find cute ways to display mediocre pictures.

I digress...

Let me introduce my family to you. I took our family pictures a few days ago because the pictures on the living room wall are getting old. They have been there for two years now and really, we just don't look like that anymore.

Let's go....

This is Shawn. We have been married for TWENTY years!

Do you see that vague smirk on his face? THAT is Shawn. Never a wide open smile, maybe a frown and wrinkled brow nearly always a smirk. Shawn has the dryest sense of humor of anyone I have ever met. But he is genuine, smart, and very well motivated. And to answer the question everyone is dieing to ask, he is 44, prematurely grey. I on the other hand am 35. He robbed the cradle. (I will check comments by the way.)

Now, this is Blair. She is a 12 year old Ira student. She is just too cute. She has her fathers disposition but life hasn't made her scowl yet.

Next came Raven. She is 9 and is also a student at Ira. Raven's temperment is way too much like me. She wears her heart on her sleeve although no one believes that she does. She and I both come off as tough but are terribly tender.
When I look at her I see my Grandmother in her eyes. It is as if Leona is living in there.

Lastly we have Emily. She came to us two minutes after Raven on September 9, 1999.

She is like Shawn and Blair. They can all three live without any of us and be just fine. They like you fine but they can cut you loose just as easily as love you.

Raven and Emily are identical twins. They are monozigoic, monochorionic and monoamniotic. They are very rare as twins go. They are truly the best of friends. The rest of us simply watch them love one another.
Blair is a great kid. She has her first boyfriend. He is a sweety too. This is Blair and Rowdy
Now for the pictures of all of us:

The fun part of any photo shoot is the pictures that you get when you really shouldn't have gotten them. Hilarious things happen during any shoot and this picture is proof. During this shoot we were keenly aware that we had a bull that wanted to disrupt the session. He was not exactly a pet and he came with a cow that stood very close shaking her head over and over until Shawn finally got a stick and kept it close by. She really didn't want to leave and he never drove his point with her home but he stayed at the ready.

That brings me to the reason for this blog and the blogs that will follow.

Funny, encouraging and amazing things happen when I go on photo shoots. You get to see the pictures from many of my shoots on slideshows on the website, but you may not know the names of the people or the stories of the weddings, events, families that live here in our community. I think we will have fun and enjoy the chance to showcase many of their photos from their shoots.
The photos that you will see in the days and weeks to come will be my favorites from the sessions and those that reveal personalities and challenge me as a photographer.
Enjoy and check with me often to watch for new arrivals on my blog.....

Just to answer the inevitable question, Blair pushed the button....

About Me

My photo
Hi! I am Carol! Browse through my blog and my website. If you like what you see call me and let's set up a time to take your picture.

Carol McCowen Photography

Welcome to my blog!
Browse through the pictures. You will notice that alot of them are personal. It just helps you to get to know me. Now all we lack is me getting to know you.
One thing that can help me know you is for you to call me at 325.573.5238 at the house
325.575.3696 on my cell
You can also email me at
or go on to my website and contact me there.
Looking forward to it!

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