Thursday, May 22, 2014

Individuals but Twins, Lives in Transition

The more things change.....
 ...The more they stay the same!

They simply climber higher these days...

 "The sky is awake.....So I am awake..."
I think someone had had ENOUGH of someone else.... (not really sure who the captor is, vs. the captured)

Since they started school we have noticed a trend... during the school year, they were sisters, friends, students, roommates... but during the summer they were twins again.  We would find them asleep in the same bed in the mornings, finding time together unlike sisters and more like soul mates.  But the older they get the more they become individuals which is something that some have tried to force on them but they have resisted until lately.  We can see them becoming two lives which will someday be lived separately on some level but will always have a close soulful connection.   This separation is necessary, healthy and expected at our house.  We have neither tried to force nor encourage it because we knew it would happen in their time, not our own.  Having twins is a privilege and huge responsibility.  And quite a ride!  God truly blessed Shawn, me and Blair when He gave us these two.
Lives in transition at our house.... things are always changing!

About Me

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Hi! I am Carol! Browse through my blog and my website. If you like what you see call me and let's set up a time to take your picture.

Carol McCowen Photography

Welcome to my blog!
Browse through the pictures. You will notice that alot of them are personal. It just helps you to get to know me. Now all we lack is me getting to know you.
One thing that can help me know you is for you to call me at 325.573.5238 at the house
325.575.3696 on my cell
You can also email me at
or go on to my website and contact me there.
Looking forward to it!

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