Monday, September 12, 2011

Hillorie Earnest, 15 years and moving forward!

Who says Baptist don't dance?

I say they do quite nicely!

Hillorie's parents threw her a traditional...non traditional Quinceañera to celebrate her birthday!  Around here the Quinc is normally a Catholic event so going Baptist was a little different, but what a pleasure!  All of the tradition was there but Bro. Larry McAden, Pastor of Calvary Baptist, brought it back home with such a fantastic evangelical message to guide not just Hillorie but all of her honored guests!  
Then the PARTY started!  That Calvary gang does Party too!  And it was completely PG! 
I love working with my church family...they are a hoot!

Thank you Earnest's for letting me come to the festivities1 I hope you enjoy your pictures!

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Hi! I am Carol! Browse through my blog and my website. If you like what you see call me and let's set up a time to take your picture.

Carol McCowen Photography

Welcome to my blog!
Browse through the pictures. You will notice that alot of them are personal. It just helps you to get to know me. Now all we lack is me getting to know you.
One thing that can help me know you is for you to call me at 325.573.5238 at the house
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Looking forward to it!

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