Melissa Petty |
Josie Haubert |
Nathalie Kelley |
Renee Floyd |
Janelle Rich |
Stop fighting to be treated this way or that, look this way or that. Stop trying to make someone else in their own image so they can feel better about themselves. Just stop. Stop fighting.
I had the privilege of working with several ladies who are preparing a Christian Retreat for women. Godly Girlfriends Retreat will be held in February at Camp Butman. These ladies are the brains and brawn behind the retreat and as I worked with them I was impressed with how they have come to a place in their lives and walks where they don't seem to be fighting to be Godly, they just are. They don't seem to be fighting to be beautiful, they just are. They don't seem to be fighting to be enjoying life, they simply ARE. I guess there is a time to fight, just like there is a time to have peace, I just wish more of us would put down our weapons and just walk with Him.
Sometimes life calls you to fight but sometimes you just are who you are and you finally come to the place where you don't even WANT to prove yourself. If you can't see who and what I am, you ain't looking, honey!
I was struck by how little editing I had to do for these ladies. Yes, they have class, yes, they have natural beauty but they didn't seem to be trying to hide a thing. They are at the place in life where they are relaxing more. The kids are grown, the husbands are content, they are who they are.
Cudos! Ladies!