Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lives in Transition, J.P. Wilson, Senior 2011

I stand amazed at the incredible people who God puts in my path.  J.P. is one of those people.  My very first memory of him was on the very day when his mom was having surgery in an effort to survive cancer.  He couldn't have possibly been more than 6th or 7th grade at the most.  I had heard of Kara and her struggle and how incredibly young her kids were and my heart broke for them.  The entire community of Ira began praying for not just Kara and for Trey, J.P.'s dad, but so much for J.P. and Larissa.
Now I am watching the entire family, fully intact preparing to send J.P. into his new life after Ira High School!  He is such an incredible young man and there is going to be a professor, a mentor, an employer, and some young woman who this young man will bless! 
J.P., I want you to keep me and all of Ira abreast of what wonderful things your life is bringing you!
You stay the course!  We love you!

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Hi! I am Carol! Browse through my blog and my website. If you like what you see call me and let's set up a time to take your picture.

Carol McCowen Photography

Welcome to my blog!
Browse through the pictures. You will notice that alot of them are personal. It just helps you to get to know me. Now all we lack is me getting to know you.
One thing that can help me know you is for you to call me at 325.573.5238 at the house
325.575.3696 on my cell
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Looking forward to it!

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