Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sterling, Cagle & Wilson Families

Tommy & Randa

Tony & Julie Cagle

Shandi & Julie

Colby & Julie

Kara & J.P. Wilson

Trey & Kara Wilson

Seth Sterling

Tommy & Seth

Colby McMullan

Larissa Wilson

Jean Sterling, Tommy's Mother, otherwise known as MamaJean

I have lived in Ira since 1998.  In those 12 years there are certain things that I have come to expect.  I expect for the lights of the stadium to be on every Thursday and Friday night during the fall; I expect there to be a REAL traffic jam in Ira every first and last day of school when the school board serves hamburgers to the parents; I also expect for Tommy Sterling to be at Sterling Grocery anytime I go in there to pickup whatever it is I just ran out of while fixing supper.
Tommy and Randa and their daughters and son and their families are as Ira as Ira gets.  So what a privilege it was to get to work with all of them one Sunday afternoon.  They are lively, fun, and in love with one another. 
We shot at the store which is Tommy and Randa's home away from home.  The screen door, the ice machine, the old time coke machine inside and the cash register are part of the fabric of Ira.
Everyday at lunch the kids congregate in the side room and eat lunch under Tommy and Randa's watchful eye.  We all feel a little safer knowing that the Sterling's are keeping the kids lined out.
Thank you Sterling, Cagle & Wilson families for calling me to take your family pictues.  It was a privilege.

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Hi! I am Carol! Browse through my blog and my website. If you like what you see call me and let's set up a time to take your picture.

Carol McCowen Photography

Welcome to my blog!
Browse through the pictures. You will notice that alot of them are personal. It just helps you to get to know me. Now all we lack is me getting to know you.
One thing that can help me know you is for you to call me at 325.573.5238 at the house
325.575.3696 on my cell
You can also email me at mccowenfarms@wtconnect.com
or go on to my website and contact me there.
Looking forward to it!

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